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Psychotherapy and Sex Therapy Services

Sex Therapy

Sex Therapy

Whether you're having solo sex or sex with others, chances are that you could be enjoying it even more... 

LGBTQ+ Affirming Therapy

LGBTQ+ Affirming Therapy

My practice is inclusive of all sexual orientations, gender identities, relationship structures, kinks, and behaviors between consenting adults...

Relationship Therapy & Non-Monogamy

Relationship Therapy & Non-Monogamy

Let's face it: relationships are hard and there are many reasons why we struggle in them...

Substance Use Treatment

Substance Use Treatment

Thinking about changing your drinking or substance use can feel daunting or overwhelming...

Therapy for Anxiety

Therapy for Anxiety

Anxiety is a normal and adaptive emotion we all experience from time to time. However, when anxiety starts interfering with your life...

Therapy for Depression

Therapy for Depression

Depression is different from sadness. While everyone feels sad occasionally, if your sadness persists or gets worse over time...

Grief Therapy

Grief Therapy

Grief is our way of emotionally processing various types of loss. The loss can be the death of a loved one, a breakup...

Ready to Enjoy Better Sex?