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Therapy for Depression

Depression is different from sadness. While everyone feels sad occasionally and usually for understandable reasons, if your sadness persists or gets worse over time, you may want to speak with a psychologist. People with depression usually describe an unexplained sadness, disinterest in things they used to enjoy, low energy, as well as changes in appetite, weight, or sleep. They may also have difficulty concentrating, be prone to feeling unnecessary guilt, and can have thoughts of death or suicide. Depression can interfere with your relationships, self-esteem, and work. It can make daily tasks, like getting out of bed or returning a phone call, seem almost impossible.

The good news is that there are several effective and evidence-based therapies for depression. Imagine what it would be like if you felt joy again when doing the things you used to love. You could experience improved self-esteem, sleep, and energy. The negative thoughts that constantly rattle in your mind could finally quiet. Replacing them would be more realistic thinking about your worth and uniqueness as a human.

If you’d like to have more energy, joy, and laughter in your day-to-day life, schedule your free 15-minute Introductory Phone Consultation or your first 60-minute Initial Evaluation for Therapy appointment so we can discuss how therapy can help you.