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Therapy for Anxiety

Anxiety is a normal and adaptive emotion we all experience from time to time. However, persistent and generalized worry should not be written off as part of a healthy human experience. This kind of problematic anxiety can affect your work and school performance, prevent you from connecting with loved ones, have you imagining all the awful “what-if” scenarios, and leave you second-guessing yourself. 

Anxiety can also make you irritable, disrupt your sleep, and can even take a toll on your body over time. Physical symptoms, such as a racing heart, sweaty palms, or tightness in the chest are common. At its worst, some people experience debilitating panic attacks.

The good news is that there are many effective and evidence-based therapies to treat anxiety. Imagine going to that social event, your job, or school, and not being consumed with fear, apprehension, or dread. What if you finally could be comfortable in your own skin? I’d argue that’s one “what if” scenario worth exploring. 

If you’d like help understanding and treating your anxiety, schedule your free 15-minute Introductory Phone Consultation or your first 60-minute Initial Evaluation for Therapy appointment so we can discuss how therapy for can help.